Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

Continuing in the outdoors vein, this week my wishlist item is not one, but two of these gorgeous planters. 

I'd like to see one on each side of my grand entryway door... which I don't have, but maybe one day.  This beautiful beast is from Nidderdale Lead in the UK.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Front Garden

About a month after we bought our place, our front garden was dug up to deal with some water drainage issues.  The dirt was pushed roughly back into place when they were done and for almost two years we did nothing with it!  So embarrassing - I'm sure the other townhouse units were wondering what kind of slackers had moved in!  Here is the giant hole...
The trim you see on the very right is our door - the hole was about 6 feet deep.

Last spring, I grabbed some random packs of seeds as I was inspired to plant something.  This happens to me quite a lot - I will see seeds, bulbs or plants and buy them without a plan of where exactly they are going to go... we are running out of room!

I planted the seeds sometime in May last year by jamming three rows of seeds into one pot.  (I like plants, but I don't love them as you can tell by how I treat them, haha.)  Here is what they looked like in June...

So I had a giant corner of dirt for a front garden and all these little plants growing in pots in the backyard...  It took me a surprisingly long time to put two & two together!

We had purchased a hydrangea plant to take up the majority of the front area.  I love hydrangeas (we have 2 in the back garden, too) and they grow very well in our area.  But beyond that, I had no idea where to start.

My Mom is much more plant-savvy than I am.  Over the phone, I gave her the names of the plants (from the empty packets of seeds I kept as cheat sheets as I had no clue what the plants were by just looking at them).  In about 30 seconds she told me what would work best where, based on height and when they flower.

By the time my parents came to visit that July, there was still only the hydrangea in the front garden.  Mom and Dad helped us organize and plant the rest of the seedlings in one afternoon.   Of course I forgot to take a picture that day, so the first one I have of it is from six weeks after the plants went in the ground.

 None of the plants flowered last year, except one or two buds on the dianthus (second row from the front) and the hydrangea, as you can see.

This year, however, I think things will be different.  Here is how it looked last week...

A little fuller than last year, and the foxgloves (on the right, against the wall) are now almost twice as tall as when I took this picture!

First flowers of the year, on the columbine...

I will update you again when there more are flowers, and will also show you around our back yard sometime this spring or summer!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

There are still quite a few things that I'm looking for to complete our kitchen/eating area reno.  One of them is a new dining table and chairs. 
The chic Flower Dining Chair from Urban Barn is on my shortlist.

The shape is so classy, and I really like the curve of the back legs.  The fabric is just the lovely neutral color that I'm looking for.
Would you like to take a seat?  :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Floor Plan Favourite

I really enjoy looking at floor plans.  They helps me visualize functionality and flow much better.  However, I have a difficult time mentally translating a floor plan to a "real-life" picture for look and decorating purposes.
That's why I love flipping through sites like this.  Floor plans, and, for some, interior and exterior shots!
(all images from here and here)

This one caught my eye - way too big for us, of course, but I like the separate little spaces (den! sunroom!) as I'm not a huge fan of open-concept homes.  And check out the huge laundry room!
First Floor

All the bedrooms on the upper floor.  I would change the shared deck to be accessible only from the master bedroom, I think.
Second Floor

And the real-life shots, including two versions of the exterior (I like this first one).

There is a bright, dramatic entryway.

And the living room with a peak of the sunroom!

What do you think - would it be for you or is it not quite right?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

I thought I'd try to make up for my disdain of the Restoration Hardware's factory cart table in one of last week's posts by sharing this wishlist item.  This lovely x-leg bench caught my eye as I was browsing the site.

The Toscane Linen Nailhead Bench has so many fantastic elements - linen, nailhead trim, x-legs... wow!  I would like one or two for at the end of a bed, under a console table or leggy side table, or just in the living room for a foot stool or extra seating.

Would you make room in your home for this beauty?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Behind The Scenes

I promise I do have plans to share some of my favourite things in my own home!   However, trying to co-ordinate tidiness and decent lighting has, for some reason, been difficult these last few weeks.

In the meantime, I will share this (kinda grainy, oops!) picture of the adorable salt and pepper shakers I came across at Pier 1 just before Easter.  So cute!

More "real life" things to come!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bright White & Blue Kitchen

When I started looking for kitchen ideas for our recent reno, this kitchen was one of my first favourites.  For a few reasons, we didn't end up going the bright white route in our space, but I still love the peaceful brightness of this room.

I love the way the natural light reflects off almost every surface, making the kitchen bright, cheery and very coastal.  The glass panels on the upper cabinets help the space feel open and airy.

Lots of light is a critical element for me in any space, especially a kitchen.  I think I would happily do dishes here!

There is a virtual tour of the kitchen available here.  Check out all those windows!

When I went looking for the details of this kitchen, I found it was in Southern Accent's 2004 Watersound Beach House Showhouse.  The whole home is designed by Suzanne Kasler.  Even though it is now a few years old, I found a few other rooms that made my favourites list - I will share them later on!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

This week I'm loving these springy pillow covers from West Elm.
I know I need the pigeon one... and probably the thistle... and the rose is beautiful... and, oh well, might as well take the butterfly while I'm at it!
Do you have a favourite?

Monday, April 5, 2010


I am loving these gorgeous, calm bedrooms with their vibrant pops of yellow.  Perfect for spring!


 And my favourite..

Friday, April 2, 2010

May Cover - Style at Home

This room by Samantha Pynn of Pure Design is on the May cover of Style At Home magazine, and it has me conflicted.

See that factory cart table?  When I first saw them at Restoration Hardware I hated them - too rustic, too industrial... and just trying too hard to be so cool
 I didn't think that it could fit in the style of room that I like.  But then along came this Pure Design room (their cart is from The Timeless Material Co) and I ...I think I like it!

 I am also tired of seagrass carpets and rugs (in living and dining rooms, at least - porches and other outdoor spaces are exempt), and yet, it just works for me in this space.  Maybe it's because it helps transition between the super-rustic cart and the more classy soft furnishings.

As for the wall color, I tend to dislike that pale, obvious light blue - I prefer my blues more moody, more gray.  But again, this room is just working for me.

There are also some elements that I am not surprised that I love - the white chairs, the repurposed white dresser, the branch and bird canvases, and the throw pillows are all gorgeous.

And check out the adjoining dining room!
That chandelier is fabulous! It's from Lamp Cage.

(all images from Style at Home May 2010 and

 Do you love it all?  Hate it all?  I think I'm a convert!